
Divorce and upheaval place an enormous strain on the relationship between a man and his child, and I’m passionate in my belief that most children will be emotionally better off with their father in their life. For this reason, I offer a programmed service specifically created to nurture where help is needed most – in the normal, everyday pattern of life! For fathers, it can be simply overwhelming trying to work, create a home, see the children and handle the complex emotions experienced. Can I help?

Help for mums. After a separation, the mother is often the parent who stays in the family home with the children, yet very little else remains the same. It’s almost like starting again and finding a new normal. How can I help?

Life Coaching and support sessions in and around London.

Access to online support, meetings and calls.

Establish your personal information pack of all the essential and practical information needed for you and your child.

Coaching you on all practical matters relating to your ex.

Coaching and emotional support to help you through the legal process of separation.

Organising what’s needed in your new home and your new life for when your children stay over.

Recognising the emotional aspects of what happens when your children stay over.

Any questions about the services I offer? Get in Contact.